Welcome to Pre-K!

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Welcome to our Pre-Kindergarten Blog!  We are glad you came to visit!  We will use this blog to keep you informed on upcoming events, things we are studying, class news, or other important information.  There is no need to subscribe to it.  We will email you when we post something new.

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Items your child will need for Pre-K:

Beach Towel for Rest Time (not too big or thick…it needs to fit in a small cubby)

Backpack (big enough to fit a folder, lunchbox, extra shoes in the winter, etc…)

Water Bottle (with a spill-proof top…the flip-up kind with a straw work well)

Lunchbox (if needed)

Gym shoes (to be left at school for Physical Education class) are optional.  We will let you know in our newsletter the days we have PE class.  You are welcome to send your child to school in athletic shoes on the days we have PE if you prefer.  Please make sure your child wears velcro shoes if he/she does not know how to tie his/her own shoelaces.

Your child does not need his/her own pencil box.  We share crayons, glue sticks, scissors, etc…   If you could donate the following items to our classroom supply we would greatly appreciate it! 🙂

2 boxes of Crayola 24 count crayons

1 pack of large size Elmer’s glue sticks (.77 ounce)

1 box of Crayola washable markers

(Bauer’s blog listed colored pencils on the Pre-K list.  However, we are all set on colored pencils and have a greater need for extra crayons, so we are asking for two boxes of crayons instead.) 🙂

Please bring the beach towel, crayons, glue sticks, markers, and gym shoes (optional) to our Pre-Kindergarten Orientation on August 31.  There will also be a “giving tree” at our Pre-K Orientation with other needed items.

Thanks so much!!!